Choreography by David Middendorp - Archive


A choreography in which fantasy and reality intertwine
David Middendorp
Hope Miller, François Chirpaz and Ezequiel Sanucci
David Middendorp
Ida Zenna
Photo editing
David Middendorp
Light design
Piet Mensonides

Dreamsketch is a genius and hilarious choreography where fantasy and reality are mixed. Choreographer David Middendorp uses dancers and videos to create a dream world where dancers and computer animations challenge each other.

The result is a fascinating shadow play between silhouettes, where the human body and computer techniques come together in a surrealistic world. Middendorp takes the audience to a limbo between reality and imagination in a playful manner. Onverwachte wendingen zorgen ervoor dat wat normaal gesproken alleen in dromen kan gebeuren, in Dreamsketch werkelijkheid lijkt te worden.

David Middendorp maakte Dreamsketch in opdracht van het Ballet Theater München, waarvoor hij van 2001 tot 2003 danste. Met zijn lichtvoetige en geestige choreografie oogstte hij enthousiaste reacties bij pers en publiek.

"Humor, athletic movements combined with computer know-how."

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"Easy to watch, witty and visually impresive."


Choreography David Middendorp Dancers Hope Miller, François Chirpaz and Ezequiel Sanucci Video-animation David Middendorp  Photography Ida Zenna Photo editing David Middendorp Light design Piet Mensonides

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