Interview Cathelijne Broers van het Cultuurfonds
In deze exclusieve video interviewen we Cathelijne Broers, directeur van het Cultuurfonds en voorzitter van Cultuurloket DigitALL. Ze vertelt onder andere over de recente subsidie
Case study OptiTrack
David Middendorp inspireert HvA met tech in dans
David Middendorp takes visual possibilities to a higher level
Theater critic Annette Embrechts (Theaterkrant) is also enthusiastic about the first version of HandsON! “Choreographer David Middendorp, as always skilled in the combination of
“Hands don’t lie. The subconcious always speaks.”
Donald Trump Anyone who analyses the political influence of hand motor skills cannot ignore the current American president. Middendorp: “He truly entertains with his body lan
“Inevitably technology has a human side too”
David was recently interviewed for the “In the Spotlight” section of the TheaterEncyclopedie. You can read the interview below. Click here for the original article. In